
WorldMUN Archive > WorldMUN 2013 > Delegation 2013

WorldMUN 2013 - Delegation of the University of Heidelberg

These Students will be part of a the delegation of Heidelberg University to the World Model United Nations Conference 2013 taking place in Melbourne, Australia from March 18, 2013 until March 25.

Caroline Sekundo (Dentistry)

German, English, French, Russian, Spanish

WorldMUN 2012 is a great opportunity for me that I am very excited to have been given. I greatly enjoy debating and am very interested in politics. Moreover, I am also very happy to present a different country because I am sure that being in someone else’s shoes for once in a while will change my perspective on many issues. Last but not least, I am looking forward to meeting students from all over the world, getting to know my fellow delegates and connecting!

Christin Maria Duffert (Medicine)

German, English, French, Spanish, Swedish, Danish
  • Heidelberg and Paris Descartes University (2009/10)
  • Currently laboratory research at Heidelberg University's Children Hospital

A spirit of friendship and cooperation across borders and a deeper understanding of cultures and perspectives beyond one’s own” –this is how the initiators describe the main objective of WorldMUN. I am excited to participate in this international conference and looking forward to the fantastic opportunity of exchange with students from over 65 countries from around the world. I am convinced of the immense significance of international dialogue and cooperation in today´s world and therefore find it essential for us as students to - beyond scientific knowledge- develop linguistic, intercultural and debating skills. WorldMUN allows all of this and furthermore provides a unique opportunity to develop a profound understanding of the work of the United Nations. I am looking forward to thoroughly dealing with current global challenges, intensive team work within the Heidelberg delegation and discussing international politics with students from all over the world.

Darya Kulinka (Political Science, Economics)

Russian, Belarusian, German, English, basic Japanese
  • IDEA Youth Forum 2009 in Bosnia and 2010 in the Netherlands

WorldMUN is a wonderful chance to use the theoretical knowledge received at the university in a real-life situation, to sharpen analytical abilities, to understand international processes and to see what is hidden beyond the headlines. I am extremely excited to have this opportunity to participate in the conference, and I am really looking forward to debating the burning issues of the day in the company of motivated young people from all around the world that are not indifferent to international problems. 

Dilek Sevinc (Economics)

German, Turkish, English, French
  • Semi-finalist at National Forensics League 2009 in Michigan
  • World Schools Debate Championship 2010 in Qatar and 2011 in Scotland
  • MUN Baden-Württemberg 2011

The way that leads to a commonly accepted decision is paved by discussions and the act of exchanging opinions. I am thrilled that I will soon have the chance to discuss globally pressing issues on an international level with university students from all around the world, showing that no cultural difference, no religious affiliation and no ethnicity will ever stand in the way of humanity and communication.

Dušan Fischer (American Studies)

Slovak, Czech, English, Russian, French, Lithuanian
  • Project manager at Centre for European and North Atlantic Affairs
  • Wild Eastern European Scholarship for an outstanding student (May 2012)

First of all I see WorldMUN 2013 as an exceptional opportunity to meet with young people in my age from totally different countries and backgrounds and engage in discussing issues that trouble today’s international or rather global environment. As a part of the Heidelberg delegation I hope I will benefit from learning about the UN daily operation and eventually gain proficiency in project management, which will come in handy in my future life. Plus I heard that Melbourne is very nice in spring :)

Johannes Klug (Law)

German, English, French, Latin
  • Best Delegate of Budapest International MUN 2012
  • Ferry-Porsche-Award for exceptional attainments in Physics

When I departed from my last MUN in Budapest, I was close to tears as I supposed that I'll never have such a impressive and wonderful time again. By now, I feel deeply honoured and delighted to be given such an opportunity once more. This WourldMUN session will not only easily measure up to my MUN experiences, it will be larger, even more international and – for myself at least – on a unmatched intellectual and scientific level. I'm excited about the professional preparation we are going to attend and I look forward to the moment our delegation gets on the plane to Australia after a long preparation, which allowed us to adopt a entirely new and foreign perspective but also let us become friends. I'm ready for a unique time with you!

Katharina Wahedi (Medicine)

English, Spanish

I am very excited to meet people from all over the world and discuss topics that have little to do with my field of study. I can't wait to see Melbourne and to be part of such a big event that young people from all over the world attend to. 

Laura Obenauer (Molecular Biotechnology)

German, English, Spanish, French, Portuguese

There are two main reasons I am especially excited about WorldMUN 2013: First, I am a global citizen. Being part of a world that is growing closer and closer together I embrace every opportunity to take up the variety it offers and learn from it. WorldMUN is one of those opportunities. I can't wait to meet students from all over the world, learn about other countries and cultures and engage in the process of discussing our common future and the direction we will go as an international community. Second, I am very fond of thinking outside of the box and acquiring new perspectives. I am looking forward to working in such a multidisciplinary delegation, broadening my horizon and learning new approaches to known problems. Working together as a such a diverse team on the tasks and challenges before us will be a great contribution to the personal development of each and every one of us. I am sure that the experience of being a WordMUN delegate in Melbourne will alter and redefine my personality and profile and I am eager to see the outcome.

Lucas Allen Marlow (Law)

German, English, Spanish, Turkish
  • Volunteer social work in Peru with the “Weltwärts” program
  • WorldMUN 2012 in Vancouver, Canada

After having taken part in the WorldMUN Conference 2012 in Vancouver I am looking forward to the new experiences and challenges awaiting me at the next conference. Moreover I am eager apply my experiences made in debating, negotiating and cross-cultural teamwork in the competitive and international setting provided by the conference. Not only will the conference enable me to discuss the most complex and crucial current political issues with students from different cultural backgrounds, but also allow me to enjoy the fascinating and intriguing atmosphere of academic and cultural diversity a WorldMUN conference entails.

Maximilian Huppertz (Economics)

German, English, French, Spanish
  • Grantee of the “Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes”
  • Work-and-travel stay in Australia

I am very excited to be a part of WorldMUN 2013 for more reasons than I could possibly do justice to within these few lines. It is being held in the gorgeous city of Melbourne, which I love. It offers a great chance to meet people from around the world and engage with a variety of different cultures, which I find extremely fascinating. At its core, however, WorldMUN also offers unique insights into one of the most renowned and respected international organizations, offering an interesting, hands-on approach to understanding the potential, the power and also the limitations of the United Nations.

Miriam Staber (Sociology, Psychology, Journalism)

German, English, French, Spanish, Latin
  • Volunteered one year in Johannesburg, South Africa doing Aids education
  • Journalism degree of the Institut zur Förderung publizistischen Nachwuchses (ifp) in München
  • Two bachelor degrees (sociology and psychology) at the same time in Heidelberg

Model United Nations for me is mainly about two things: Debating International Politics and getting to know people from different nationalities and cultures. I am very happy to be part of WorldMun2013 in Melbourne! First because I am interested in human rights, our environment and international conflicts and how they can be solved. These topics can only be debated and negotiated worldwide. Students from different universities all over the world are taking the positions of another country, understanding the situation and goals of that country. We're also all getting to know other cultures and I'm excited to meet people with very different backgrounds to strengthen my international understanding.

Mohammadali Jafari (American Studies)

English, French, Persian

I am honored to be part of WorldMun2013. WorldMun is where future leaders of the world meet, debate and discuss the challenges that the world faces. And as they come from very diverse backgrounds, they have a better chance of understanding the roots of these numerous challenges. From time to time the leaders of the world fail to see the underlying elements of international conflicts. My hope is that such settings will encourage future leaders to walk the extra mile and take responsible actions, whether it concerns environment, international security or human rights. I am keenly looking forward to spending a wonderful time with my co-delegates in Melbourne and also during the preparation process.


Lutz Mager

Faculty Advisor

Legal Advisor at the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg