
Who are we?

Who are we? Get to know the WorldMUN Heidelberg e.V.

The WorldMUN Heidelberg e.V. understands itself as an initiator into the world of international diplomacy. It is run by a team of students from various academic disciplines with the intent of encouraging a critical, creative and open-minded approach to international issues. As an extra-curricular forum is it also unique in that it fosters language and leadership skills needed in any leading profession (> Philosophy). Starting 1999, substantial and successful delegations have participated at the Harvard WorldMUN conferences all over the known world (> History). We are proud to have had the opportunity to step in as the host university back in 2003, as it was time to return some of the dedication and expertise that make these truly international conventions such personally and academically valuable experiences.

Panoramic View of Heidelberg's Old Town

We are a group of Heidelberg based students interested in various inter-, trans- and supranational issues and problems of our time. The aim of the Heidelberg WorldMUN group is to help prepare students for international negotiations in a professional atmosphere. The high standards we set in terms of academic excellence and language skills ensure that we are able to provide a fruitful platform for diplomatic and international-policy education. The delegations representing the University of Heidelberg have been able to perform  successfully at numerous Harvard WorldMUN conferences - and the success of our delegations is largely due to the work we do within the Heidelberg WorldMUN group (> History).

Our declared mission is:
To encourage diplomatic education and understanding by offering an inter-disciplinary academic forum for the discussion and study of international issues and policymaking.

The agenda is broad: development, human rights, refugees, economic cooperation, legal issues, crisis prevention and global political & economic stability as well as various other social/political/cultural issues. On a regular basis, workshops are offered in order to discuss these topics, but also to practice important techniques of debate and (M)UN Rules of Procedure. Through the international conferences we have attended, our members have also become an experienced team when it comes to international student communication and understanding.

Motivated students with a broad horizon and a will to learn more are always welcome in our team and all our workshops. Unfortunately, we are forced to restrict participation for the time being at the international conferences due to limited funding. However, if you think you can identify with the flexible academic and linguistic criteria we have outlined (> Philosophy) and are interested in joining our delegation, don't hesitate to get in contact with us. We welcome any comments or questions you might have - and are looking forward to getting to know you (> Contact).