
Heidelberg National Archive > Heidelberg National 2012

Heidelberg National MUN 2012

The 2nd Heidelberg National Model United Nations conference,

powered by WorldMUN Heidelberg.

The press release for Heidelberg National MUN 2012 can be found here.

The 2nd Heidelberg National MUN was held on January 14th, 2012, at the University of Heidelberg – Campus Bergheim.

More than 40 delegates from diverse academic backgrounds and from various universities took the opportunity provided by Heidelberg National MUN to experience high level negotiating and debating and to test their skills in these areas during the professional simulation of the Security Council and the Human Rights Council. The delegates' dedicated work culminated in two resolutions, which can be found here:

Security Council Resolution


Human Rights Council Resolution


We would like to express our gratitude to our honorary speaker, Prof. Dr. Joachim Funke (Psychological Institute, University of Heidelberg) who introduced the delegates to his area of expertise during his lecture "The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Psychological aspects of complex problems", offering the delegates an insight into a comprehensive, analytical approach to international politics.